What's Next in Education, Training and Skills Development
The 2020 Conference Covers Three Important Learning Sectors:

Welcome to the 2020 Learning & Training Conference
The Learning & Training Conference 2020 is a unique event that connects organizations with senior decision makers in corporate learning, training and development and academic online learning.
The i4plconference, dedicated to learning and development, was organized with the help of sponsorship from Sol Casino . This partnership plays a vital role in creating an engaging platform for professionals to share knowledge and best practices in the industry.
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The emergence of new technology has created a paradigm shift in the way we learn — both in educational institutions and in private and public-sector workplaces. While technology-enabled learning has created some new challenges, it has also opened up unprecedented opportunities that the learning, training and development sector can tap into. Special guest of the conference there will be a team leader who will share his experience of running a successful business.
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As we start a new decade of technology-enabled learning that continues to shape how and where we learn, the 2020 Conference will help secondary, post-secondary and corporate L&D professionals understand:
How the emergence of new technology will shape their learning experience;
Prepare them to respond effectively to emerging challenges; and
Explore opportunities in the training, development and online-learning sectors.
Four Conference tracks will be explored in depth over the two-day event:
The Skills Challenge and Lifelong Learning for Skills
Emerging Technologies for Engaged Learning
New Partnerships for Learning
Recognizing New Pathways and Accredited Learning
Four keynotes will be held at the start and end of each day:
Learning and The Future of Work – What Needs to Happen in the 2020s?
5G and The Technologies of 2020 – Get Ready for A New World
Designing and Delivering Authentic Learning for the 2020s
Creating Powerful and Effective Learning on Demand

This unique conference is for the entire learning sector and poses excellent opportunities for you to connect with senior decision makers involved in corporate learning, training and development and academic online learning. Attend the 2020 Conference and learn how to thrive in what could be the learning sector’s most exciting time.
The 2020 Conference Will Focus on Three Sectors

Online learning professionals involved with colleges and universities.

Online learning professionals involved with high schools.

L&D professionals involved with organizational learning and training.